5 Tips to Avoid the Senior Slump

Always a danger during the second semester of senior year, this year's strain of the dreaded senioritis may be more potent due to Zoom and pandemic fatigue. Recurrent outbreaks of senioritis hit America's high schools each year, peaking after students return from winter break. Many seniors let grades slip and assignments slide, moaning and groaning about workload, maybe opting out of video during Zoom classes.

While their attitude is perhaps understandable, students need to know that the second half of senior year is not a good time to slack off.  Although colleges have contributed to the idea that "senior year grades don't count" by admitting so many students under early options, these same colleges want final and often mid-year grades.  A severe decline in the grade pattern may lead to a letter from the admission director asking for an explanation. In some cases, accepted students may find their offers of admission rescinded. Even dropping classes after submitting applications requires an explanation and may trigger an academic review.

Finishing strong with a demanding senior year schedule will ensure that students attain the skills needed to succeed in college.

Why are colleges so fussy about senior year? Concerns about ill-prepared students abound. Some colleges find that as many as two-thirds of entering first-year students require remedial classes before they begin college-level work. Some never earn their degrees. Finishing strong with a demanding senior year schedule will ensure that students attain the skills needed to succeed in college. So, if there are signs of an outbreak of senioritis nearby, heed these tips to avoid it.

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Tip 1: Study Smart

No more all-nighters – there's no need. At this point, seniors have figured out tricks and tips for efficient work and study, so use them to shortcut when possible. Also, sprinkle study time with plenty of breaks. Every two hours, give the brain a rest. Lack of sleep that comes with cramming often contributes to poor performance and lack of creativity.

Tip 2: Work Together

Work with a buddy – study groups, group projects. Nothing helps keep students motivated, like being held accountable for someone else's grade, too. Work in groups when possible. Group work teaches collaboration, a skill vital for entering the workforce.

Tip 3: Keep Things Fresh

Take on a new activity and get friends involved too, if possible, given restrictions. Consider taking a cool elective, which may help stay focused and give a head start on choosing a major. Getting an internship or job or participating in a new extracurricular can provide a renewed sense of purpose.

Tip 4: Do Well on Midterms

For most, the senior slump happens around midterms, which can make or break the rest of the semester. Students who push to do well on the midterm won't have to make an "A" on everything the rest of the semester just to barely pull out a "C" in the class.

Tip 5: Live a Little

Seniors need to enjoy senior year a little. After all, they've worked hard to get into college. Even with the pandemic restrictions, students should treat themselves, set aside time to see friends, and attend social events wherever offered in a safe way. They deserve it!

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