Katherine on Her Experience at GravityFed

How was the internship experience? 

My experience at GravityFed was very enjoyable and informative. I was assigned different online tasks, like going through their websites data, and keeping all of the information organized in a spreadsheet. It wasn’t hard or stressful, and I felt accomplished after completing my assignments. 

What are you interested in as a career? Did this internship fit in well with what interests you? 

If I am able to I would love to start a business, but I don’t know what kind of business it would be. I would have to first figure out where I want to live, and go from there, looking at things that are in high demand, but that maybe aren’t very easily accessible in that area. I may also discover something that I know I would love to have, but there isn’t a business for it near where I end up. I know it’s risky, so if that doesn’t end up working out, I definitely would consider going into some sort of sales. I love working with people, and I think that is something I would be good at.  

Was this a virtual internship, in-person or some of both?

This was a virtual internship. Every couple of weeks I would meet with Nick Bullard (partnership marketing), who helped me figure out what I needed to do, and gave me different tasks to complete. He was very helpful and made my experience very relaxed and fun! 

Tell us what you did for GravityFed. 

I went through all of their influencers, and organized them into a spreadsheet based on whether they met all of the standards, and if they were “approved” or not. I also went through their influencers, and looked at if they were gaining followers or losing followers, and organized that information on a spreadsheet as well.

Did you learn more about how a business runs from the inside? Tell us a little about that. 

I definitely learned a lot more about businesses through this internship. I learned about how many tedious things they have to do in order to keep their business running and to keep it growing. I mainly focused on the influencer side of the business. So much thought goes into figuring out who to pick as their influencers because they have to figure out who’s going to be able to advertise their products, and who’s going to do it well. The influencers have to have the right audience to sell the products to. For example: GravityFed’s target market would be very adventurous and outdoorsy people, so their influencers should also have those same interests, so they can know how to advertise their products and have the right audience to advertise to.

Did you learn a lot more about outdoor and adventure travel brands? 

Going back to what I said in the previous question, I learned mainly about how much thought and time goes into picking who would be the best people to advertise their products. It’s very interesting seeing all the thought and effort that goes into picking who will be representing their brand.

What else did you learn? 

This may sound weird, but I didn’t really have any experience with any kind of technology until now. I know it wasn’t very high-tech, but it was one of my first times really working with spreadsheets and learning how to utilize them correctly. I also was able to figure out how to use their websites and how to look through and understand different kinds of data that they had  presented. 

What are you most proud of with the internship?

I am mostly proud that I am actually still continuing to work with them. I have a lot of work with school and volleyball right now, but I am still contributing my left-over time to keep helping them out. I’ve really enjoyed working with Nick because he has been so nice and relaxed, that I wanted to keep working with him, and try to make myself as helpful as possible.

Can you see doing something like this as a career? 

If I could pick any job I wanted, I am going to be honest, it most likely wouldn’t be a job like this. I like getting to interact with people, so working behind a computer screen all day isn’t something I really am interested in doing. However, I still really enjoyed my experience at GravityFed, and wouldn’t be opposed to having a job like this in the future.  

Anything else you can tell us about the summer at GravityFed?

Overall I think this is an amazing company with a lot of amazing people working for them. There is a lot of time and effort put in to everything they do, trying to make the best company they can. They made my experience very enjoyable, and I am so grateful for all the help and guidance I got from their team. 

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