NYU Class of 2026
Courtesy 2U.com
College Solutions student Cindy was recently accepted early decision to New York University. Our team caught up with her to hear more about what she’s most looking forward to.
You have decided to attend NYU. How early in the process did you know NYU was the school for you?
I knew that I wanted to ED to NYU towards the end of my junior year.
How did you come to find out about NYU?
I feel like I had always heard of NYU, but I first visited NYU in person in 8th grade when I went to New York over that summer. College was definitely the last thing on my mind at that age, but walking around the city and then suddenly seeing those big NYU banners is what first made me really aware of the school. It was actually a friend of mine who is a year older than me who got me looking into NYU when my college search process came around; he got into NYU the year before me and had so many great things to say.
What about NYU first attracted you?
The first thing that attracted me was definitely the environment, of course! I've always dreamed of living in a big city with endless opportunities. I think the idea that you can really be free at NYU because it had no boundaries is so incredibly exciting.
What are you looking most forward to in college?
I'm most looking forward to meeting new people and just being somewhere new. College is a huge change in your life, and I'm excited to rediscover myself and be independent. I've never been away from home or my family for a long period of time, so I'm excited to see who I am out there alone in the world with so many possibilities.
What are you most looking forward to at NYU specifically?
I'm so excited to have the chance to be surrounded by such a diverse student group at NYU! NYU has students from all over the globe, and they purposely room you with someone geographically different than you so that you can meet someone so different from anyone you've ever known.
Do you know what you’d like to major in?
Yes! I'm going to be majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Aerospace.
What extracurriculars do you think you might get involved in?
I definitely want to continue running, so hopefully, I can join the running club or something like that. I also definitely want to join the Rogue Aerospace Rocket Club and a cultural club to engage more with my Asian heritage.
What was most helpful during the research and application process?
I think being involved in colleges’ social media was a huge help. NYU in specific had so many students taking over their admissions account and answering questions and giving us a day in their lives as students at NYU. Just being able to engage with current students was a huge help with visualizing whether or not I could see myself there.
Do you have any advice for juniors about to start the application process?
Definitely keep your mind open to all sorts of schools. Figuring out the type of environment you'd most see yourself being in is incredibly important when it comes to choosing schools. You want to apply to places you'll see yourself being happy at no matter what. Another piece of advice is just to go with the flow ‒ applying to college is super stressful, but you will find the perfect school for you!