Student Perspective: Grace Tabor

By Grace Tabor
Senior, University of Virginia

As a high school senior, I had no intention of actually attending the schools that my parents went to. I had visited both, attended some football and basketball games, and owned a t-shirt or two, but felt strongly about charting my own path. When it came time to actually apply to schools, I began to compile a huge list of the places I was considering. Of course, both of my parents’ schools made their way into that conversation, as they were both incredible universities, and I wanted to at least send in an application out of respect for my parents. I ended up applying to more than ten schools, but when it came to April of my senior year, I hadn’t received nearly as many acceptances as I had hoped. In reality, I received two plus a waitlist offer from my mom’s alma mater.

In high school, I would never have told somebody that the University of Virginia, the school my dad went to, was my top choice. In fact, it was probably in the bottom half of my ranked list. However, as I set out to begin my final year as a UVA student, I can’t imagine a better place to have spent the last three years. Charlottesville has been the perfect college town. UVA athletics has given me games and seasons that I’ll never forget. The deferred rush aspect of our Greek system allowed me to find myself within other organizations before joining a sorority. The Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies department helped me discover my passion for women’s health. And the Chemistry department helped keep me humble. The ways that I have been pushed academically, socially, and personally at UVA have shaped me into the woman I am today and will continue to determine the woman I become.

I’m so grateful that the universe’s forces aligned to push me into a school where I am a legacy student. In high school, I had no idea how fun it would be to share traditions, sports teams, and fond memories with so many members of my family. From joining the same organizations to getting drinks from the same bars, my dad and I have grown so much closer and could talk for hours about UVA, past and present. To all high school students considering the schools their parents went to, take a second look. Don’t let the fear of reliving their “glory days” be the principal factor that steers you away because you, like me, may be lucky enough to find your own glory days there too.

Grace is a rising fourth year student at the University of Virginia from Charlotte, NC majoring in Biology and Women’s Studies on the pre-med track. Outside of schoolwork, she spends her time giving historical and admissions tours of UVA, serving on the executive council for Kappa Delta sorority and working at the UVA hospital. On the side, she enjoys calling Bingo for the UVA Alumni Association.

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