The New SAT Appeals to Students (& What You Need to Know)

The upcoming SAT update likely occurred because of the College Board's concerns about the future marketability of its test. The test remains controversial with opponents highlighting the greater ease for wealthy students to prepare and perform well, while those from more disadvantaged backgrounds face barriers to success. But, students who pilot-tested the new test in November 2021 overwhelmingly indicated a preference for the online format, indicating that they were less stressed and found it easier to complete.

Test takers enjoyed being able to bring and use their own laptops; loaners, when needed, were available onsite. There was also praise for the simple login, visible countdown clock, and digital calculator. Results from this new test will be delivered electronically in days, not weeks. Testers will not be penalized for the loss of either power or connectivity and work already completed and time already used will be saved. Schools enjoyed the removal of the shipping and receiving requirements, and there was praise for the new option to offer more flexible testing dates, times, and locations, most importantly during the school day with most students present.

This new system will also provide the security lacking in the current paper and pencil format because each test will be unique - thus, no answer sharing will be possible. Historically, several international testing centers had to close because of widespread cheating and many unscrupulous individuals thrived over the years by selling test papers.

Over 1800 colleges no longer require standardized testing for admission, about 80%, with some states now mandating that all public colleges remove the requirement. After 700,000 fewer students took the SAT in 2021, numbers have risen this year, but that huge drop, coupled with the increase in the number of schools removing the requirement, has caused ripples of concern within the College Board.

The College Board has reacted to criticism of its unfairness with ‘adaptive testing’ rolling out with these other changes in 2024. Each section will be prefaced by a set of questions designed to assess performance and then, adjust the rigor of the subsequent questions. The new test will have two sections – one on mathematics and one on reading and writing, each counting for 800 points. Students will be permitted to use a calculator throughout the math section. The reading section will have shorter sections with texts covering a wider range of topics.

Over 80% of high school students want to submit test scores along with their applications. Students, parents, and high school counselors know that strong test scores can open doors to scholarships and additional financial aid, a critical factor for many families, and this new format will allow students to quickly access their scores and decide whether to submit them. With so many public and private institutions now either eliminating testing permanently (the University of California system), or even temporarily (Harvard and Stanford), the College Board is hoping that bringing their test into the 21st century will help to secure its future viability.

What Changed?

  • Testing will be completed online

  • Tests will last 2 hours, not 3

  • Calculator allowed on all math questions

What Stayed the Same?

  • A proctored setting is required

  • Multiple-choice questions

  • Scoring is on a 1600 scale

  • The removal of the Subject Tests and optional essay will remain in effect

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