10 Tips to Stay Safe on Campus

Heading off to college is exciting but can be overwhelming, too. There is so much to learn while living away from the safe confines of home for the first time. Learning how to stay safe on campus is as important for a student as learning about majors and study abroad opportunities. 

These personal safety practices will serve you well: 

  1. Don’t travel alone. Stay with others on well-lit paths at night; ask for an escort if you must walk home alone from the library late at night.

  2. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Don’t wear headphones if walking at night.

  3. Know your school’s emergency system and safety resources and where they are. Where are the emergency call boxes, the police/campus security offices, the health center? 

  4. Memorize a few helpful and important phone numbers. Know where to go if you need help.

  5. Lock your dorm room door at all times! Don’t hold the main door open for strangers, and if you lose your room key, replace it immediately.

  6. Know your drinking limits and watch your drinks at all times. Use cabs or a designated driver, keep some cash on you. Go with friends and take care of each other.

  7. Get to know your new home away from home. Know areas you should avoid.

  8. After checking local laws, consider purchasing some personal safety aids such as pepper spray or a whistle. Take a self-defense course.

  9. Use technology. There are many apps dedicated to safety: bSafe, Circle of 6 U college app and React Mobile.

  10. Consider disabling your location on social media sites. Your friends and family know where you are, but unwanted strangers can simply remain in the dark.

Above all, use common sense. Trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice telling you something doesn’t feel right. Being aware and prepared will help you enjoy your new life on campus.

Sarah DohlComment