Staff Conversations: Lee Ann Gun

How did you get involved with College Solutions? 

I answered an ad on Craigslist for College Solutions 9 years ago. I had just closed my small business, an art studio for kids, and I was looking for something different. I saw the College Solutions listing and thought it sounded interesting. I liked the idea of working to help students find the right college. My job has morphed into a writing coach/application reviewer.

Where did you choose to go to college and why? 

I went to high school in Florida, but I knew I wanted to go to a different region of the country for college. I also wanted to play soccer on a Division 3 level. I visited a lot of schools in New England including Wesleyan University in Connecticut. I loved the open and free atmosphere at Wesleyan, the comfortable setting, no sororities, little emphasis on football (the football stands were not permanent – they were rolled onto the field, then rolled off the field every Saturday during the fall). I ended up playing soccer, lacrosse, and squash and working as the editorial cartoonist for the Argus, the campus newspaper. I ended up in the right place.

What was your favorite class in college

Wesleyan was – and still is – known for film. I took a few film classes including an Intro to Film class where we watched and discussed 100 impactful films everyone should see but most haven’t. Some were difficult to watch, and some were lovely. I learned so much about lighting, camera angles, screenplays, word choice. When I watch movies even now, a lot of what we learned in that class comes back to me.

Why did you choose this career?

I have always loved words and their impact. Many of my life choices have centered on words – English major, Latin as my foreign language in college, journalism grad school, working at newspapers, editing jobs. Because my college decision had been so important in my life (it impacted my career, my friends, my choice of spouse, where I ultimately settled), the idea of working with high schoolers to help them craft essays as part of a larger application that represents them completely really appealed to me.

Tell me a little about your family

My twin daughters just made their college decisions. The search process worked very well for them. They both seem to have found the right place. One is interested in environmental policy and the other is interested in economics and film. The unfortunate thing is that Coronavirus, something so random and destructive, is getting in the way of their initial college experiences. We are just hoping they get to really attend college at some point in the next year. The good thing is – whatever their experience is this year at college (partially on-campus or virtual classes from home), they will be experiencing it along with their classmates. My husband, also a literature major from a small liberal arts college, works in healthcare data and analysis but is a word person deep-down. He appreciates a well-thought-out metaphor and can spot a humorous misspelling from miles away.

What was your favorite memory from your college experience

My freshman roommate and I decided to try out for lacrosse. Neither of us had ever played. I don’t even think we had ever seen it played. It was difficult. Pre-season practices started in February, so she and I would wake up at 4:30 to get to the 5:00 AM practices. To get there we had to walk across the slushy field in the middle of campus. Connecticut in February starts getting melty. It was cold and dark. But we were in it together. We both made the JV team and even played in a few varsity games that first year. She remains one of my best friends.

What was YOUR college essay about

My college essay was about my dad, who is a really good person and a wonderful role model. BUT I would not have written the same essay if I had it to do again. When I think about it, it was probably all about him and said nothing about me at all. If I could submit it again, I would write about growing up in Florida but never feeling like Florida was my true home.

Moving forward, what plans do you have with College Solutions in the future?

I am excited to see what changes Margaret, the new owner and CEO, makes. She inspires a lot of confidence in her students and in her families. I am lucky to be a part of it going forward. My wish would be, if possible, to set up a small outreach program for maybe a few high schoolers in my area and help them brainstorm and craft their essays. I would love to be able to pass along our college knowledge to a few senior students who don’t have access to resources and could use some guidance.

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