What to Consider in College Search?

1.      When does the search start?

From the college’s point of view, it starts the day you finish 8th grade. All college applications ask what you do with your time during the summer and after school.  Actually, the college search process even before that with choosing 9th grade courses because this sets the path for the curriculum you can take through high school. Financial aid is based on the prior, prior year of high school graduation so it starts January 1st sophomore year.

2.      Whose responsibility is the college search process?

It is like driving a car. Only the student can be the driver. Parents can be there to assist in planning the trip. Everyone else is a passenger, passengers should sit quietly, listen, and only offer advice when asked.

3.      Do I need experts to help?

A college education costs about $150 -350,000. Would you feel comfortable investing that kind of money using just Google & YouTube? Would you want a 16 or 17-year-old driving a car costing that much without driving lessons? An independent educational consultant can show you multiple paths to your goals and help you when your goals change.

4.      How has the Coronavirus changed the college process?

The world is changing minute by minute. The question is who is up to date on the changes that are important to you both now and as you go through this process. We believe you need a team that has the experience to put the changes in perspective, a team that understands the college search, life in college, a career, and the economics of this investment.

5.      How do I lower the stress?

The unknown is the always the most stressful thing. Having someone help you understand what questions you need to answer and when they need to be answered is key. Top athletes have a coach and every author has an editor, a consultant can fulfill those roles for you and help you stay focused.

6.      How do I define success in the college search?

When a student that feels empowered. At College Solutions, we define success when a student that has been accepted at least half the schools to which they have applied. To us, success is also when a student will be successful at the college they attend (29 percent of freshman dropout or transfer). Our rate is 3 percent.


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