MAJOR SPOTLIGHT: Supply Chain Management

Supply chain managers are an integral part of all business operations – logistics, purchasing, IT, materials, finances, suppliers, manufacturing, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. They must continuously monitor every link in this complex chain of people, products, and technology, keeping an eye on the bottom line and safeguarding the mission and profitability of the business.

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Sarah DohlComment
Three Types of Campus Visits

With summer approaching, it’s time to start thinking about which colleges you may want to visit. An in-person visit is the best way of assessing your interest in a particular institution. The summers after 9th and 10th grades can be wonderful introductions to the campus community. Here are three different types of visits and how they differ.

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Sarah DohlComment
Summer Plans: Crafting an Internship

As students navigate summer vacation throughout their high school years, it becomes important to consider two things when thinking about jobs, internships, research, community service, or other experiences: how to have a summer experience that is both meaningful and helps build a solid resume in preparation for college or a future job.

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Sarah DohlComment
Getting College-ed: May 2022

Every month, College Solutions features a new edition of Getting College-ed, an editorial cartoon created by College Solutions’ own Lee Ann Gun. Check out this month’s edition below, and sign up to get future editions straight to your inbox.

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Sarah DohlComment
MAJOR SPOTLIGHT: Molecular Biology

Molecular biology is the study of biology at the molecular level. It focuses on the structure and function of the molecules that form the basis of life. Molecular biologists explore cells, their characteristics and parts, chemical processes, and how molecules control cellular activity and growth. They frequently focus on certain types of molecules or work to define the biological processes that cause genetic defects. Majoring in this field prepares students for a wide range of careers in scientific research, medicine, bioengineering, and biotechnology.

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Sarah DohlComment
The New SAT Appeals to Students (& What You Need to Know)

The upcoming SAT update likely occurred because of the College Board's concerns about the future marketability of its test. The test remains controversial with opponents highlighting the greater ease for wealthy students to prepare and perform well, while those from more disadvantaged backgrounds face barriers to success. But, students who pilot-tested the new test in November 2021 overwhelmingly indicated a preference for the online format, indicating that they were less stressed and found it easier to complete.

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Sarah DohlComment
Financial Matters: Consider Your Return on Investment

In order to come up with a realistic and honest assessment of the costs for each college under consideration, it is important to first calculate the true total cost of attendance – tuition, room, board, fees, transportation, entertainment, and general living expenses such as cell phone bills and traveling home for the holidays.

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Sarah DohlComment

If you aspire to expose the world’s ills through documentaries, have visions of fame, fortune, and financial reward, or simply long to get paid for watching movies, Film Studies may be the major of your dreams. Among the most popular and competitive of college majors, film isn’t just for those wanting to follow in the footsteps of Meryl Streep, Steven Spielberg, or critic Pauline Kael.

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Sarah DohlComment
What Makes a Great College Match?

One student may love the non-competitive academic atmosphere she finds at Haverford College that makes learning enjoyable. Another student may praise the intense competition at UC-San Diego, which motivates her to do her best work. Both of these students have done their research homework and made good matches at two great schools. But these schools may not be great for every student. What’s in a good match, anyway?

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Sarah DohlComment
Should You Take AP Tests?

During early May, high school students around the world sit for Advanced Placement (AP) exams. The College Board runs the AP program and provides teachers with curriculum guides so that they can cover the material students will be required to know for the exams. At some schools, students enrolled in AP classes are required to take the AP exams, but even if not required, it makes sense to take them. You may do better than you think, and after working hard in an AP class all year, why miss out on the opportunity to receive college credit?

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Sarah DohlComment
Getting College-ed: February 2022

Every month, College Solutions features a new edition of Getting College-ed, an editorial cartoon created by College Solutions’ own Lee Ann Gun. Check out this month’s edition below, and sign up to get future editions straight to your inbox.

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Sarah DohlComment
Getting College-ed: January 2022

Every month, College Solutions features a new edition of Getting College-ed, an editorial cartoon created by College Solutions’ own Lee Ann Gun. Check out this month’s edition and sign up to get future editions straight to your inbox.

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Sarah DohlComment